To me it's not about whether or not I support a particular conflict. I'm not in favor of war. What's important to me is showing respect to these men and women who volunteer to serve in the armed forces and who go where they're told when they're told and do what they're told, no questions asked. I can disagree with the policy, and I often do, but my beef is not with the soldiers.
And I appreciated the PGR's original mission—to provide a barrier between families mourning dead soldiers and those Fred Phelps-indoctrinated wackos from the Westboro Baptist Church who insisted on protesting homosexuality by disrupting the military funerals.

For several months after joining I didn't participate in any missions. Either there weren't any soldier funerals (thankfully) or welcome home rides taking place nearby or they were at times when I couldn't get away from work. Finally two weeks ago I was able to go on a welcome home mission for Charlie Company of the 178th Infantry Battalion of the Illinois National Guard. More than 550 bikes showed up on a sunny Sunday morning in Monee, and escorted the 130-plus guardsmen to the community center in downtown Kankakee. I was pretty thrilled to be there and be a part of that. And I was glad it wasn't a funeral.

As I rode out of the American Legion parking lot later, several of those gathered for the continuation of Cpl. Parvis' welcome-home party thanked me for coming. It's a good feeling, receiving that kind of appreciation for doing something out of my own sense of appreciation.
One day I'll attend a funeral, and that will be sad. It's inevitable, living as we do in this state of seemingly perpetual conflict. But for now it's nice to welcome some of these people home. They deserve it.
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