But this Rod Blagojevich thing has me flummoxed. The sheer scope of the sociopathic behavior at work here is stunning. Even as the Illinois governor knew he was the target of a federal corruption probe, he sought the ouster of Chicago Tribune editorial board members and brazenly offered Barack Obama’s vacated U.S. Senate seat to the highest bidder.

You could wait a lifetime and not encounter an antihero like Blagojevich anywhere in fiction, let alone in real life. I mean, Eliot Spitzer is probably thinking about Blagojevich, “Damn, that dude’s fucked up.” Seriously, Blagojevich was until recently considering making a run for president in 2016.
And, as it turns out, Blago’s better half, Patty, is just as into family values. Hey, the family that says “fuck you” to the world together stays together, or at least serves its prison sentences concurrently.
The worst part is, this helmet-haired dunce sold out his office, the state and the people of Illinois for what amounts to a few hundred thousand bucks. So let me put it in terms Mr. Blagojevich can understand:
Fuck you, Governor.
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