Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Writings from CNU XVI

Lest y’all think I’ve just been loafing (and there has been some of that), here is a sampling of writings from CNU XVI, the 16th annual confab of the Congress for the New Urbanism, held recently in Austin, Texas.

Retail Recipes: Finding What Sells
Conservatives and the New Urbanism: Can’t We All Just Get Along?
Robert Caro on Robert Moses
Lessons From Booming Regions
The Art and Science of Great Streets

The Congress was a blast. I’ve always wanted to go, and this year I got the opportunity to blog the Congress for the CNU’s website. I have some pictures that I’ll post in the coming days.

1 comment:

Christopher said...


I was pleased to discover we're both interested in Moses, and Caro's famous book on him.

I can't say I share all your "urbanism" interests, but I do try to keep up with scholarship on the history of New York City in particular.

Here's something I recently wrote on the subject in my own blog. You'll see that I've quoted Caro's book.